Bonn: First Media Symposium - Focus on Russia | DW's press releases | DW | 26.03.2010
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Bonn: First Media Symposium - Focus on Russia

"The Media Situation in Russia: Between State Control and Commercialization" is the topic of the first Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue on 21 April 2010.

The focus of this specialist media seminar is on economic and legal aspects of the media situation in Russia and their effects on the Russian media market. A mixture of specialist presentations and panel discussions for academics, journalists and representatives from politics and business.

RUSSIA – The Media between State Control and Commercialization

21 April 2010
Deutsche Welle, Bonn/Germany

Program Overview

08:30 a. m.
09:15 a. m.
Reception and Welcoming Speech
09:30 a. m.
The media situation in Russia and its implications for German-Russian relations
11:00 a. m.
Part I | Media Work: Freedom despite Dependence?
01:00 p. m.
02:15 p. m.
Part II | Media Market: Unlimited Commercial Freedom?
04:30 p. m.
Summary and Outlook
04:45 p. m.
End of the Event

Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue is a series of events held by DW-AKADEMIE in cooperation with the Research Institute for Media Law of Fachhochschule Köln, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and is aimed primarily at academics, politicians, media specialists from all fields, employees of non-governmental organizations and students.

Annika Jasse

The complete program and registration form are available online for downloading.


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