Giradet, Edward | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 04.05.2011
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Giradet, Edward

Writer and journalist, Director, Institute for Media and Global Governance

Writer: Just finished Killing the Cranes – A Reporter’s Journey Through Three Decades of War in Afghanistan.
Journalist: Select opeds, analyses and articles on media, humanitarian and other issues for the Christian Science Monitor, International Herald Tribune, Dispatches, National Geographic and other publications.

Editor: The Essential Field Guide to Afghanistan in the Crosslines Humanitarian and Conflict Zone series (3rd edition, 2006); fully revised 4th edition in preparation.

Co-editor: The Essential Edge, a Geneva-based webzine on local and global issues.
Director: Crosslines Essential Media Ltd (UK).
President: Institute for Media and Global Governance, Geneva

Media & Communications Specialist (2005-2010)
Programme director & journalist advisor: Global Journalism Network, Geneva, on global issues (

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