Press Start: Crowdfunding Journalism does work | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 15.06.2017
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Press Start: Crowdfunding Journalism does work

hosted by Transition

Press Start is the only global crowdfunding platform for reporters and editors in countries where the press cannot work freely. Our journalists, from Honduras to Macedonia, have funded reporting projects thanks to contributions from around the world, bypassing the autocrats and media moguls who often use financial leverage to control or shut down independent media. Our approach works: since we launched in July 2016,  almost all of our campaigns have been fully funded, and half of those exceeded their goals. Still in the beta stage, we’ve worked with journalists in 12 countries, from every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Ultimately, we’d like to revolutionize the way independent journalism is funded in the developing world and emerging democracies. Our story is complicated, full of good ideas, hard work, and some false starts. During the session, you can expect an honest sharing of lessons of what worked and what didn't and many practical tips. Yes, crowdfunding for journalists works, as long as … Come and see.



Jeremy Druker - Executive Director, Transitions (TOL), Czech Republic

Jaroslav Valuch - Project Leader, Press Start (TOL), Czech Republic

Boryana Dzhambazova - Communications Manager, Transitions, Bulgaria