Rebroadcasting via Satellite | DW's distribution possibilities | DW | 09.11.2001
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Rebroadcasting via Satellite

Only for professional radio stations/ broadcasters: If you want to broadcast Deutsche Welle programmes (30 languages), please contact one of our distribution representatives.

Deutsche Welle's radio programmes are broadcast in German, English (24 hours a day) and 28 other languages via satellite to all regions of the world. Total broadcasting time is about 90 hours a day.

There are regular current affairs magazines and in-depth analyses, with information on politics, economics and the stock exchange, as well as culture and sport.

For further information about rebroadcasting please contact one of our distribution representatives.

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


T +49.228.429.2042