Season's cuisine | DW's press releases | DW | 13.11.2012
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Season's cuisine

TV magazine Euromaxx; show runs December 16-22

Christmas is the time for special feasts and treats. In Europe, culinary traditions during this festive period differ from nation to nation. While roast goose might be the classic centerpiece dish in Germany, families in Poland will often dine on a meat-free meal.

In the series Christmas: What's Cooking in Europe, DW reports on gastronomic Yuletide customs. Six chefs from six European countries demonstrate how a traditional Christmas dinner is prepared in their home nation, as well as providing some background on the origins of the recipes.

TV magazine:

Broadcast times (GMT/UTC):

December 16-21: 18:30, 21:00
December 17-22: 1:30, 7:00, 11:00, 15:00

DW (Europe):
December 16-21: 18:30
December 17-22: 1:30, 7:00, 11:00, 15:00

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